Our new Cloud Backup service for EasyLog

Save a backup of your data on our Cloud with just one click using our exclusive service, EasyLog Cloud Backup, where it is safe and protected. As amateur radio enthusiasts, we all acknowledge the importance of our data, which is often the result of years of devoted work.

Losing our precious QSO, QSL confirmation, DXCC credits or important awards is our worst nightmare.

EasyLog Cloud Backup is the safest place to store your valuable logs.

We have always prioritized security concerns, from selecting data formats to implementing backup procedures.


We are excited to introduce our new EasyLog Cloud Backup. Our service protects your data more efficiently and securely. Your data can be securely accessed and backed up from anywhere on multiple devices with an Internet connection.

This is the best way to keep your logs aligned on the different computers of your station, your summer QTHs, or a laptop.

Storing data solely on hard drives or USB keys, which can break and become unreadable is not a secure practice. For better security, use external disks and rotate them between several computers and keys.

By using the EasyLog Cloud Backup service, you can be confident that you will have a backup copy of your data whenever needed. The data is transferred to our cloud, which is managed by a provider that we have carefully selected for its high security and reliability standards.

There is plenty of available space to save your logs.

EasyLog Cloud Backup can store up to 2000 backups of a 10,000 QSO log or 400 backups of a 50,000 QSO log.

You can use our control panel to backup logs, manage how many copies you keep, and delete any old logs.

Our launch offer

For less than the price of a coffee per month, you can have the peace of mind of knowing that your data is always available and secure.


The regular cost of our service is €25.00 per year.

However, we are currently offering a special launch promotion that gives you two months of service at a reduced cost.

If you subscribe before March 31, 2025, you will only pay €19.95 for the entire service.

Subscribe to EasyLog Cloud Backup service

  • You need to have EasyLog 2024.1.0.4 or a later version installed. Please login to the reserved area and download the latest available version.
  • To complete the sign-up process, please provide your callsign (using the same callsign you registered with in EasyLog) and your email address.
Please enter your name.
Please enter a message.

Please make your payment using either PayPal or a credit card.

  • Click the "Pay Now" button to make a payment using PayPal or a credit card.
  • Once we receive your order, we will email you within 24 hours, letting you know your service has been activated.