A word from the founders
Dear readers, 📡
We are delighted to see you again for this 19th issue of our newsletter dedicated to the fascinating world of radio amateurs.
We would like to warmly thank those of you who shared your comments, photos and stories. We encourage you to continue to send us content to allow us to publish to you. 🎧
In this issue, we have prepared new articles, technical tips, and some bridles of our story that we hope will make you smile and remind you of good memories.
Whether you are a curious beginner or an experienced operator, we have thought of each of you! Continue to share your ideas because it is together that we grow this vibrant and passionate community. We look forward to discovering your projects and exchanging even more in the upcoming editions.
Have a good reading! 📻📡
Piero and Franco Pirrone
The radio amateur is proud of his station’s traditions and achievements. He never forgets that his hobby was built by pioneers who blazed the trail before him.
- anonymous
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✅ Written by Franco and Piero Pirrone, computer experts and pioneers in radio amateur softwares.
Latest news
These are excited weeks at our headquarters, there is a lot of meat at the fire. We are finalizing the new support for eQSL, translating our eBook into French and Spanish, restructuring the DX-Alert window, completing the new version of EasyLog Cloud Backup with its exclusive new 'Snapshot' functionality and more that we still can't reveal much about.
The next few weeks will be full of news! We can't wait to show them to you.
Current developments
We are also working on the structure of the Newsletter for next year, any suggestion is welcome.
At the same time we are analyzing and evaluating with Massimo IK1GPG, the new Cloud support for the CHECK (country recognition engine) for the immediate and centralized release of new prefixes and countries.
Tips & Tricks
How do I enter a SWL report in Log?
Listening reports sent by SWL can be entered in the Log as normal QSOs. At the end of the registration, right-click on the QSO just entered in Log and choose the option Mark QSO as SWL report.
This operation unhooks all associated awards, as a QSL sent by a SWL cannot be used for the purpose of obtaining the DXCC and other main awards.
How to Force the Country of a QSO
It may happen that a newly released prefix, or the DX callsign of DX-pedition is not yet recognized by EasyLog. Our service for updating the country recognition system is punctual and in many cases anticipates its updates before the DX-pediction activation even take place. It may happen, however, that for various reasons the new prefix is in the air earlier than expected or that precise time indications are not known.
In such cases or in general in the event that the automatically extracted indications are incorrect, click the appropriate button on the Awards panel (1).
As soon as a new version of the CHECK file (the DXCC country recognition engine) is released, EasyLog will be able to automatically recognize the new prefix and assign it to the correct country.
It is advisable to lock a country manually assigned to a QSO with the appropriate button of the Awards panel (2).
We will dedicate a place here to the upcoming events in the radio amateur world. We count on you to send your pictures or any news that you would like us to promote.
Our history is not merely an echo of the past; it is what we carry deep within our memory. It flows through our veins like the blood that gives us life, wrapping itself around our being and shaping us as intimately as our DNA. It is both the shadow and the light of who we are, inscribed within us like an indelible mark.
-Line Rainville
Recently and in the past we have received some photos from our loyal users who were pleased to recall some memories of the past versions of EasyLog and how many roads have been made. With great pleasure we publish some of the photos received, a dive into the past that makes us proud and that awakens memories in many of you. If you still have floppy disks, anecdotes or photos of the first versions of EasyLog we will be happy to publish them.
Massimo, IK1GPG is writing an article in this regard that we will publish in the next issue along with the other contributions that come to us.
Below are some of your contributions
EasyLog 2.0 MS-DOS distributed on floppy disk 5" 1/4 (Tnx Mauro, IK4LDS)
EasyLog 3.2 (1992, latest version on MS-DOS) and EasyLog 4.33 (1996, already in Windows), both distributed on 3" 1/2 floppy disks (Tnx Massimo, IK1GPG)
EasyLog 5.0 (2004, Windows)
(Tnx Gianluca, IK8MID, ex IK0MID)
EasyLog 4.6 (2003, Windows) and EasyLog 5.0 (2005-20067, Windows), distributed on CD-ROM)
(Tnx Massimo, IK1GPG)
EasyLog 5.0 (2004, Windows)
(Tnx Sante, IZ6CST)
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